Sunday, February 26, 2012

Renew Vows on Small Budget

I am planning a renewal of my wedding vows and am on a small budget, can you give me tips?

You can do a reaffirmation of your wedding vows anywhere you want and as elaborately or simply as you want. If you want this is a church visit with the clergy member for suggestions on wording, music, service guidelines, etc. Or, you could do it at home, in a park or other scenic location, etc. Since it is not a legal function, anyone can preside, including family members. You could write your own vows or see if the officiant has a standard format.

If you had attendants at your first wedding, you could ask them to stand up again, or many people have their children (or grandchildren) do this. You can wear any type of dress you want (original wedding dress, new traditional, or any nice dress.) A veil is not worn, but you could use a small hat, flowers, jeweled combs, etc. You could carry a small bouquet of in season flowers or a floral bracelet or just a corsage. The groom may wear anything from a tux to his normal suit. (or if you are doing this outside, you could wear something more casual). The groom should also have a fresh floral boutonniere on his left lapel.

You can invite as many or few guests as you like (and can afford). You could do printed invitations, or simply call them and tell them about the event.

You could use your same wedding rings and have the clergy person bless them, or get new ones (like an anniversary ring, etc.)

Depending on the size of the guest list, you could go out to a restaurant, host a meal at home (finger foods, barbecues, pot luck, or full sit down meal). You could have a small wedding cake & even use your original cake topper (if you still have it).

Photos are a must (either professionally or with your camera or friends/relatives cameras). You could also put up a photo collage of your years together including first wedding pictures.

You could put out a guest book (if you have lots of guests) so they can write in their best wishes. If you have the original guest book that has extra empty pages, you could use that & everyone will have fun looking at the first signatures.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to have a nice, memorable occasion.

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