Friday, March 9, 2012

Sand Ceremony

Some couples are using a sand ceremony as an alternative to the traditional unity candle ceremony at a wedding. Three nesting glass vases are used. Each side vase is filled with a different color sand, and gently poured simultaneously by the bride and groom to make a lovely blended display in the center vase.

This sand ceremony is also popular with blended families. Children may help the parents pour from their vase, or using some additional mini nesting vases with different colored sand, the children can pour into the larger vase. This is a delightful expression of the unity of the families and works well for any number of children. Colored sand can be found in craft stores or even fish stores and any size/shape of vase may be used.

They are ideal for a beach or outdoor weddings where it is too windy for candles and also a wonderful touch for mixed-racial weddings.

Following the wedding, the outer vases may be used for flowers, while the center vase remains with the unity sand as a lovely display in your home.

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