Do you tip florist, DJ, photographer? If so, how much is normal?
Catering: There are package deals - get detailed list of what's included: sales tax, gratuities and bar fees etc.. These may greatly increase your wedding budget. Caterer, Club manager, hotel banquet manager = 15-20% of the food & drink bill. Just 10% of the bill if there is also a maitre d'hotel. Reception host may be asked to pay the bill in advance. If not covered, the host or wedding consultant pays in an envelope during the reception. Maitre d'hotel - 15 -20% of food & drink bill or $1.50 - $5.00 per guest. The reception host or wedding consultant pays in an envelope near the end of the reception. Waiters, Waitresses, table captains - usually not tipped directly. Maitre d'hotel often divides his tip. Bartenders 10% of the total liquor bill. Powder room attendants $.50 - $1.00 per guest or arrange gratuity with hotel etc. Parking attendants - same Limousine drivers 15 -20% of total Limo bill. Delivery truck drivers for florist, baker, etc. - $5.00 - $10.00 each The reception host or wedding consultant offers in envelopes at the end of the reception. Note: Hiring a D.J. will be less expensive than hiring live musicians. Most charge a set fee, amount should be specified as well as overtime rates, late arrival penalties etc., in your contract. Also allow for a tip at the end of the evening. Clergy members usually receive a donation to the house of worship ($20.00 & up) ask church secretary or sexton - What is the suggested fee? If there are no payment guidelines, give the clergy member a gift. Ask if fees for alter servers, sextons, cantors, choir, directors and organists are included in the church or synagogue fee; an additional gift or money amount may be appropriate. [Answer compliments of Dianna Emerson, Bonne Foi Bridals & Weddings]General Tipping Suggestions:
1 comment:
If you are searching for the truth concerning faith and practice should you consult books written by preachers or the book inspired by God? As for me I trust God's book the Holy Bible.
Billy Graham quote:"They may not even know the name of Jesus but they know in their hearts that they need something that they don't have, and they turn to the only light they have, and I think that they are saved, and that they're going to be with us in heaven."
Jesus quote:... "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6) NASB
Will you trust books written by Billy Graham or the Scripture in the Bible that was inspired by God. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Charles Stanley quote: ".... Ephesians 2:8-9 says faith in Jesus Christ is the only requirement for salvation, not baptism..."
(Note: Ephesians 2:8-9 Does not say that faith is all that is required for salvation)
Jesus quote: "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved..."(Mark 16:16) (NASB)
Would you rely on books written by Charles Stanley for spiritual guidance or would you trust the written word of God?
Max Lucado quote: "Is it possible for an unbaptized believer to be saved? Yes, definitely. Should every believer be baptized? Yes, definitely."
The apostle Peter quote: "Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you...(1 Peter 3:21)
Would you be willing to believe every word that Max Lucado writes in his books or would you rather trust every word of the Bible as inspired by God?
John MacArthur quote: " Water baptism is certainly important, and required of every believer. However, The New Testament does not teach that baptism is necessary for salvation."
New Testament quote: "Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins..." (Acts 2:38)
Would you want to trust what John MacArthur says about New Testament salvation or would you rather trust the words written in the New Testament ?
Why any believer in Christ would read the books written by men who pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ is an enigma beyond explanation.
You can trust teachers of error or you can trust God but you cannot trust both.
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