Monday, March 23, 2015

East or West

I currently live in CA, but my whole family is back East, groom's family in CA (5 total), he wants to have something out here so his clients don't get offended. I want to do the whole thing back east because that is where I am from....what should I do? Do I just make my plans or try to be fair, this topic has already become a source of argument.

A lot of folks have been in this predicament. In fact it happened with one of my daughters who lives back east but is from the west. She got married in her husband's area because her friends and his family were much more numerous. Her family flew east and stayed for a few days for the festivities. The final decision was made by the number of people who would have to travel to get to the wedding.

Some solve the problem by having the first wedding at the bride's family's area because traditionally the bride's parents pay for the wedding. Some even have two weddings - the second being less elaborate. We've heard of people video taping the first wedding and playing it at the second, less formal wedding.

But most solve the problem by having two receptions with the wedding at the place with more family attending. A wedding East and a reception in CA which would include clients could solve your problem. You can choose to wear your wedding dress at both occasions or just a dressy cocktail dress to the second reception.

Second (or third) receptions may be just as formal as the first wedding reception, complete with printed invitations, wedding cake, champagne, and receiving line. Or, they may be very informal get-togethers, or anything in between. It's totally up to you.

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