Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Italian Wedding

My fiancé is Italian so we would like to have some what of an Italian themed wedding and reception. Are there any books that I can buy to help me?

I don't know of any books off hand that deal just with Italian weddings, you could check the local library or Amazon.com with a search. Also, since he is Italian, ask his parents or grandparents for ideas.

Some items in Italian weddings: Ribbons signify the tying together of your two lives. A ribbon can be tied across the front of the church door to symbolize the wedding bond. Also, candy-covered almonds (symbolizing the bitter and the sweet of marriage) can be given to guests at each place at the reception tables (in tulle bags called bomboniere, or in some small box). Or, they can be thrown at the bride and groom (the original confetti). The bride can carry a busta or wedding bag for gifts of money. And at the reception dance, the newlyweds can lead the guests in the tarantella dance (a wedding circle dance). Italian weddings are generally large and children are often in the wedding party and at the reception.

A suggestion I found in one book is to contact:The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, 18 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, (215) 925-8090 for Ethnic Weddings in America info.

Another book suggested having the wedding cake made in the shape of Italy and covered in kiwi, strawberries and cream cheese (representing Italy's colors).

Yet another said: the front grill of the car is decorated with flowers to signify happy travels through life together. Traditional love-knot cookies are served. The groom's tie is cut up and pieces of it are sold to guests for honeymoon money.

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